I just published a review of the German anthology or conference proceedings:
Editorische Begrifflichkeit. Überlegungen und Materialien zu einem ‘Wörterbuch der Editionsphilologie’. Ed. by Gunter Martens. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter 2013 (Beihefte zu editio. 36)
The review is about to appear in the latest issue of Zeitschrift für Germanistik XXIV.3 (2014), pp. 690–692.
Although I am much in favour of a German dictionary or lexicon of edition philology / textual scholarship, I was a little disappointed with the anthology: the theoretical and methodological articles as well as some of the material and sample entries were frustratingly heterogenous, unfocussed, and partly outdated. (The anthology assembles conference papers and articles from the late 1990s that were, in some cases, slightly updated and edited.) In my view, the best and most useful part of the anthology is Martin Boghardt’s systematic collection and preparation of sample entries from the fields of analytical and descriptive bibliography and print history:
Martin Boghardt: Begriffe aus der analytischen Druckforschung. In: Editorische Begrifflichkeit. Überlegungen und Materialien zu einem ‘Wörterbuch der Editionsphilologie’. Ed. by Gunter Martens. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter 2013 (Beihefte zu editio. 36), pp. 163–192. – Access to article here (attention! paywall!)
This mini-lexicon could be the point of departure for a comprehensive new lexicon of edition philology / textual scholarship for German and Germanic studies. It should, however, NOT become another print-only, publishing company directed endeavour, but instead make use of the technologies and established and proved practices of online lexicology and be as open access and as collaborative as possible!
My review can be found here, soon. (Or you could ask me to send you a pdf!) The reviewed anthology can be accessed (attention! paywall!) here or purchased.