Team Lead: Digital Research Methods

I’m back from my leave – and starting right away with being the leader for the digital research methods team at the ‘new’ library for humanities and social sciences. The library has undergone a process of re-organization, changing internal structures, and making more room for cross-departmental collaboration. We’re now largely organized as teams instead of sections, and team members can be from any (former) department.

I will be leading the team for digital research methods, or better: research activities – with a special focus on the humanities, social sciences, and pedagogy. In the next couple of weeks, all new team leaders together with the department leaders will define the new roles and responsibilities and look into new ways and modes of working together in and across teams to best serve our patrons: the students and researchers of the University of Oslo.

I am looking forward to my new role – and the challenges and possibilities it entails!

In the meantime, there is a new weblog for digital research activities that will publish a new blog post at least once per month, hopefully, every other week. And we have created a new resource site on text mining which will be complemented with a series of information and resource sites on key methods.

Together with the Digital Scholarship Center, I expect to teach and host a couple of workshops this fall, too, with a focus on research data management and introductory coding.